A healing approach to therapy consulting
The most helpful and authentic learning and wisdom I have obtained from the day I started seeing clients 23 years ago has come from my clients. The next best learning and wisdom has come from the healers that I have consulted with and continue to consult with to this day. I have realized over the years that identifying and processing my own countertransferance, attachment issues, generational contracts, and infant/childhood wounds are crucial to bringing my best self, my clearest self, to my work as a healer. Although my consultants/teachers often had to drag me kicking and screaming into and through these issues, it has been the key to having the capability to serve others in the highest way.
I have found that throughout my work as a consultant for others, one of the organic processes that have occurred is the foray into these issues, whether a person intends for it to go there or not. I am not the expert on you and your journey but I will be right by your side as you lead the work which will help you in your work with your clients.
Consulting to other therapists and healers
As a consultant to other therapists/healers, my primary goal is making sure that you get what you feel you need AND there is more to wisdom-gathering than through one’s personal healing path!!!
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In addition to providing personal growth consultation to other healers, I will invite you to explore the technical aspects of your work – case conceptualization, theory, consciously making the mind-body-spirit connection, reading books that will expand your knowledge base in ways that you can integrate into your practice, and ethics (sometimes a very slippery slope and a personal challenge to most everyone at some time or other.) One of the consultants who I use in helping me to provide consultation is an ethics expert and I am not hesitant to run things by him for anyone who asks. I have accumulated a pretty large tool box for use in therapeutic work and sharing it is a good thing.
Working with clients suffering from Complex PTSD, DDNOS, or DID?
These are the most challenging folks to work with given their profound internal wounding and ferocious internal protectors. Throughout my entire formal education no one ever mentioned, let alone taught me, anything about trauma and dissociation. I had to seek out a consultant. If it wasn’t for these particular consultants I would be nowhere near the level of comfort and competence in working with severe dissociation. Providing this type of consultation is my passion and a huge source of creativity for me so the help you can get with this comes not only from my education with excellent teachers/guides/books but from something deep inside me that just “gets it”. Or at least I get how to try to “get it” for each individual as well as the collective.
Finally, developing the Comprehensive Resource Model®
I specifically created the Comprehensive Resource Model® for work with attachment disruption, dissociation, core-self, and in-utero work. I use these tools in my own practice and they have proven so effective that I have developed a training program to share them with other therapists working with complex PTSD, DDNOS and DID.
This has segued into a large part of my consultation practice and this, too, I love to do. In creating the Comprehensive Resource Model® I tried a myriad of things that didn’t work, made many mistakes in trying to figure out what was the best judgment or technique to use at a certain time with a certain client. I find it useful to use mistakes as an opportunity for learning. I welcome any and all questions or doubts or celebrations that you may experience in your CRM® work.
I will help you use new skills with your clients by teaching you these skills didactically and experientially during our consultation time. Through your personal experience of using these tools in your healing process we will be killing two birds with one stone – learning the skills and processing your own issues. Not all consultation hours will entail personal work, but the offer is always there and sometimes necessary in terms of your growth as a therapist.
If nothing else, it is really nice to have someone to vent to, to release and express the thoughts and feelings that come up by virtue of doing healing work. And to allow yourself to receive validation and positive feedback for what you are already doing naturally!!!
To arrange for consultation, please contact me.
We are in the process of opening an inpatient unit that specializes in working with people who have histories of trauma, including those with diagnoses of dissociative disorders. Lisa provided her expertise in this area to help us formulate our ideas around what was needed to provide an effective, individually-led service for our client group. Her advice, energy, knowledge, compassion and clear therapeutic skills in this area provided us with guidance, insight and direction in so many relevant areas that we cannot thank her enough. Lisa brings a unique blend of theoretical and practical expertise to the area of trauma work and particularly in regard to working effectively with dissociation, and is someone we would have no hesitation in recommending as an excellent resource for anyone working in the difficult field of trauma.